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Calvin's Objectives

  • The Holy Bible is the foundation of Calvin’s education program.
  • The primary aim of Christian parents in seeking Christian education is to equip each child to live a Christian life as a member of the Christian community in society.
  • CCS shall be a living challenge by word and deed in this community, whereby all students and teachers demonstrate that the Kingdom of God comes first in their lives.
  • The Bible is relevant for all, adults and children, and CCS will teach so that the Bible is meaningful to the student in the place, time and circumstances in which God has placed her or him.
  • CCS shall meet or exceed the academic standards of the state with respect to the faculty and administration and the basic curriculum.

What does it mean to be Reformed?
Reformed Christians emphasize the Bible as the foundation of all we believe and all we do. That means that we are reshaped (or re-formed, get it?) by what God’s Word says, not by someone’s opinion or by what modern society says is a good idea. The only opinion that matters is God’s, and we learn about what God says in the Bible. From that holy Book, we can learn about God, ourselves, the world, and the relationship between God, ourselves and the world.

When Reformed Christians read the Bible, they notice two awesome themes. One is that God is in control, and He is in control of our salvation. We can’t save ourselves. The other theme is the idea of covenant. Even when humans don’t uphold their end of the agreement, God is faithful. God promises to be our God and we will be His people, and He makes that promise to us and to our children.

That’s why Reformed Christians believe so strongly in Christian education. CCS partners with Christian homes and churches to work together in the important task of raising children to know and follow Christ. But Reformed Christian education is about so much more than chapel and Bible class; it’s about how the Lordship of Christ affects every area of life, every subject, every action, every recreation. Calvin Christian School emphasizes that science and history, recess and band, lunchtime and basketball practice all have to do with our faith in God.  

Education from a Reformed perspective often uses the idea of Kingdom – God’s Kingdom. That’s a Kingdom which is already here, but is not yet fully realized. God is still working today to redeem the world He created and loves, and He asks us to join Him in that redemptive work – to redeem all aspects of life. That opens up an exciting world of possibilities for Calvin Christian School students; God can use them in a wide variety of jobs in the future. Our job today is to help them learn, so that they will be ready when God calls them into service; wherever He calls them into service.

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