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The following expectations for teachers at Calvin Christian School are also part of your job description and the standards by which you and the principal will measure your growth as a Christian teacher:

In faithful living you are expected to

  • be committed to obeying Christ, your Redeemer.
  • have a regular and active devotional life.
  • practice love, joy, patience, kindness, self-control, gentleness, faithfulness, truthfulness.
  • model biblical principles in making choices.
  • be humble in spirit but bold in Christ-like practice.
  • be conscientious and responsible.

In instructional planning you are expected to

  • translate the school's curriculum maps into specific objectives for lessons suitable to the age level and developmental needs of your students.
  • select and use curricular materials and plan teaching-learning experiences that help each student achieve the stated objectives.
  • plan units that help students see wholeness and relevance in learning.
  • plan lessons that connect biblical principles to concepts about God's world.
  • plan a variety of teaching strategies to match the learning styles of the students.
  • choose content that helps students see the variety and the integrity of God's creation.
  • select in advance the means of assessment to measure students' learning for a lesson or unit.

In teaching a class you are expected to

  • use class time well with activities that engage students' attention and have a clear purpose.
  • give clear directions and well-organized examples and explanations.
  • listen carefully to students' ideas and apply them to the lesson.
  • use questions and explanations that promote clear thinking and awe in students.
  • show interest and wonder in all learning through gestures, body movement, and voice inflection.
  • compose useful analogies to connect what students are learning to what they have already learned.

In relating with students you are expected to

  • establish a climate of love and care.
  • define responsible Christian behavior for students, including guidelines and consequences for good and bad behavior in the classroom.
  • help students learn self-discipline through appropriate encouragement, correction, chastening, and counseling.
  • provide organized learning that helps students support and learn from each other.

In professional growth you are expected to

  • take responsibility for all tasks related to the classroom, parent communication, and, to some extent, the broader school community.
  • keep current in scholarship on teaching, the purposes of Christian education, and your subject area.
  • work constructively with colleagues and administration by contributing ideas and listening to the ideas of others.
  • articulate in writing and speaking how your Christian faith integrates with your teaching.

In community relations you are expected to

  • communicate regularly with parents about their child's progress and needs.
  • celebrate Christian education in the broader community.
  • seek contributions from community members in educating the school's students.
  • participate actively in the community, especially the church community.
  • model love for Christ and students beyond the school day and campus.
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